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Wendy M. – My Story

Wendy before and afterGastric Bypass  |  2010

My Life Before Bariatric Surgery

My life royally stunk.

I did not want to live like this any more. I was virtually hiding in my own home. I was embarrassed for my family members to have me in their lives. I was in so much physical and emotional pain that I could not function

Back in the 70’s, I was called “twiggy” and “coat hanger.” After my son was born it was like my metabolism did a 180 degree turn-around. I gained weight on a steady basis. No matter what I did, it never came off. The dieting was getting to more extreme levels, which included bulimia, starvation, and all of the fad diets. This went on till I was 35. I then had to have a hysterectomy.

The frustration was extremely high as I got bigger and bigger. I joined clinics and gyms and took aerobics in water, all to no avail. Then depression set in. I began to feel inferior to everyone and started to withdraw. I was a detox counselor for approximately 10 years until my health made me quit. Then I got fibromyalgia and five years ago I found a lump in my breast that turned out to be cancer, which set off chemo and radiation and a lumpectomy. All the while I was still gaining weight. Three years ago I had both breasts removed to prevent cancer reoccurrence. My oncologist said I had to lose weight. I became totally withdrawn, and began wondering why I was bothering to fight to live any more.

Making the Decision

I was at the end of my rope when my daughter told me about bypass surgery that a friend of hers had in the States.  I took it upon myself to inquire about Barix. My doctor did not help, so I contacted the clinic and went from there. Once my approval came from the Canadian government, things happened quickly.

My husband got the website info and sent inquires. In an information session with my surgeon, I was impressed with the whole procedure. So I got application forms from OHIP Ontario. After I determined my doctor wasn’t acting fast enough, I went to his office and insisted he send the info the next day. Three days later I got notification of approval. I almost fainted from relief.  My surgery date was scheduled for February 17th.

My Barix Clinics Experience

The whole process from beginning to end was so informative and uplifting. Each time I went in, I felt more like I was going to succeed with their help and guidance.

All the staff persons at Barix Clinics are exceptional human beings and every day is a new world for me. My surgeon was amazing, a very warm and caring person. Everyone has been fantastic to me and I owe you all my life.  What I experienced both in surgery and after was just so warm and encouraging. All the staff go beyond the call of duty. My surgeon is truly amazing and a very gifted human being. I would put my life in his hands any day. Thank you all so very, very much.

How My Life Has Changed

I have lost 100 pounds in 6 months, and can do so many things now, from just being able to walk up stairs to not bursting into tears when looking in the mirror. I have more energy and self-confidence. I can actually share my daughter’s clothes, something I have not done for twenty years. I don’t mind living for the remaining years I have on this planet now. The best is yet to come.

I have, in the last 8 1/2 months, gone from 279 pounds down to 171, and am still dropping. I’ve gone from a size 2X-3X to a 12… with possibly a size or 2 yet to lose. I am off all meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, anxiety, acid reflux, and joint and muscle pain. My sleep apnea has dropped from moderately high to mild. I can go up and down stairs, run, go for walks, and carry things again without collapsing and out of breath. I feel great, not ashamed any more, and look forward to every day with new life.

To Those Considering Bariatric Surgery

If I hadn’t gotten the help of my surgeon and the wonderful people at Barix, I might not be here to write this. If you are even a tenth as unhappy about your situation and life as I was, then get to Barix and start a new life. It is truly amazing. You cannot be in better, more capable hands.

My advice to anyone reading this is to fight for your life.  Trust in Barix Clinics to make your wish to become a thin healthy person again come true. The positive differences Barix has made in my life have made me a positive person again. It is truly amazing! I have a zest for life I never thought I’d have again. There is help and hope for overweight people–and it all starts within ourselves.

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135 South Prospect St. Ypsilanti, MI 48198