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Holiday Activity

Posted on December 10, 2018 by Deb Hart

It’s important to keep active while you’re prepping for and enjoying the holidays. Include some good cardio or strength training sessions when you can and focus on those holiday activities that get you up and going. Although not the same as a heart-pumping workout, simply walking or moving helps keep your circulation, muscles, bones and metabolism working properly. Here are a few ways to move more this holiday season.

Download Healthful Tips: Holiday Activity

Shopping. It’s old fashioned, but hit the stores and do at least some of your shopping off-line this year. It’s amazing the number of steps you can log zipping through the stores hunting for that perfect gift. To get an even better workout, park at the end of the parking lot, take the stairs, and make extra trips to your car to drop off bags. First thing in the morning is often the best time to miss the crowds.

Cleaning. Do an extra deep clean in anticipation of having guests or to create a comfortable haven for yourself. All the stretching, pushing, scrubbing, and lifting uses muscles in different ways. Put on some upbeat tunes and devote a good chunk of time to making your home shine. You may even find that house cleaning can be aerobic.

Food Prep. The holidays bring lots of opportunities to prepare food for gatherings, as gifts or for your daily meals and snacks. If you choose to cook in rather than eat out, you’ll reap the benefits of the time spent on your feet moving around the kitchen. It also puts you firmly in control of what’s in the food you eat—a great time to try healthier versions of your favorite holiday recipes.

Holiday Run/Walk. Gather your fit friends and family members and sign up for a holiday walk/run in your community–all the better if the proceeds benefit a worthy cause. What a great tradition to start. If you’re not up to that, go for a walk through your neighborhood and check out the holiday decorations—every step counts.

Holiday TV. If you love the holiday shows and stations, the negative effects of sitting and watching TV can be eased by pacing, hopping on a stationary bike, or lifting light weights during the commercials.

This holiday season, eat right and keep moving. You’ll feel more energetic and be in good shape to start the New Year.

Calories Burned Per 30 Minutes (based on a 185# person)

Sleeping 28 calories
TV Watching 33 calories
Cooking 111 calories
Decorating 155 calories
Shopping 160 calories
Walking 200 calories
Heavy Cleaning 200 calories
Shoveling 266 calories
Sledding 311 calories
Bicycling 355 calories

Picture of Deb Hart

Deb Hart

Deb Hart is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. For the last 28 years, she has been helping bariatric surgery patients reach their health and weight goals. She teaches people how to set up a lifestyle that supports a healthy weight. Deb set up her own lifestyle to include lots of long walks with her furry family members, workout classes at her local wellness center, meal prepping, and finding new ways to enjoy foods without added sugar.

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