Fresh Fitness.
Build on your current fitness level is, whatever it is. If you’re able to train for a 5k, or 12k race—great, get going. If you are limited to chair exercises, that’s okay—it’s amazing what a workout you can get while sitting in a chair. If you want to have a healthy future, you need to find time for regular exercise today.
Try something new. You’ll never know just what your body can do until you try. Find a workout buddy especially when you’re going out of your comfort zone—there’s strength in numbers.
Workout in the AM. Get organized by prepping the night before. Everything you can get done (lunch and snack for the next day, dog’s food bowl filled and covered on the counter, work clothes set out, etc.), get done. Then set out your workout clothes and put them on upon rising. Make sure to turn off the TV and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll be more likely to meet your fitness goals and have more energy throughout your day.
As your body gets stronger, reassess your fitness goals and stretch to new heights.
Exercise daily and you’ll gain strength, confidence and power.