Have you ever felt inspired by someone else’s healthy behavior? A family member decides to give up sodas and fast food. You notice that a co-worker is walking at lunch. You pick up a health magazine and see the dramatic changes in someone who lost 40# by changing their lifestyle. You read an article about the health benefits of beans. You notice an abundance of fresh produce in the shopping cart in front of you. A friend posts pictures from the color run she participated in with her daughter. Inspiration can come from almost anywhere and a thought enters your mind, “I can do that!”
Notice who and what inspires you to make healthy choices and then surround yourself with those people, places and things. Healthy lifestyle behaviors all start somewhere and then evolve from that starting point. Healthy behaviors often build upon each other; for example, you start a walking program and then decide to remake your evening snack options. Look for healthy inspiration throughout your day–see upcoming posts.