There are many milk alternatives to choose from these days. Most are pricier than cow’s milk and few reach the nutrition powerhouse standard set by good old fashioned skim milk. But if you cannot tolerate cow’s milk, have chosen a vegan diet or just want to try something different, here’s a quick comparison. Be sure to look for unsweetened varieties and–if you’re working towards a protein goal–the protein content. |
Milk Options
Posted on March 12, 2014 by Deb Hart

Deb Hart
Deb Hart is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. For the last 28 years, she has been helping bariatric surgery patients reach their health and weight goals. She teaches people how to set up a lifestyle that supports a healthy weight. Deb set up her own lifestyle to include lots of long walks with her furry family members, workout classes at her local wellness center, meal prepping, and finding new ways to enjoy foods without added sugar.