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To Stress Less

Accept the realities that certain situations are less than optimal and there are some people in your life who drive you nuts. People have their own unique characteristics and they are not going to change just because of the time of year. Rather than letting these realities get to you, try your best to let it be what it is. Keep a positive focus and let bothersome people and situations go.

Download On Track with Barix: Tis the Season

For Random Acts of Kindness

Doing goods makes you feel good. We all encounter many opportunities for random acts of kindness throughout our day. Watch for them and then simply, take action–pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru, shovel the neighbor’s driveway, put an encouraging note on a co-worker’s desk, go visit someone in a nursing home or hospital, or let someone go in front of you at the checkout.

Download On Track with Barix: Tis the Season

To Be Grateful

A grateful outlook has both physical and mental health benefits. Start and end your day by thinking of at least three people, things or situations that you are thankful for. You can keep a journal or just spend some time in thought. This simple act helps you stay focused on the positive and that alone will improve your joy this season.

Download On Track with Barix: Tis the Season

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