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Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery News and Info

How to Choose the Right Multi

Eating right and taking proper vitamin and mineral supplements consistently are key to your health after surgery. For individual recommendations, ask your bariatric surgeon or nutritionist. Select the right supplements for you based on nutritional adequacy, taste, cost, and convenience. Here’s how some of the leading supplements stack up. If you’d like to take something different, use the label to fill in the last column and make sure it’s got the bases covered.

Download Healthful Tips: How to Choose the Right Multi

Daily ValueASMBS GuidelinesFlintstones Complete Chew (2)Centrum Chew (2)Bariatric Fusion Soft Chew (2)Bariatric Fusion Capsule (1)Compare Another Option
Approximate Cost Per Day$ 0.25$0.20$1.00$0.53
Vitamin A5000 IU5000-10,000 IU6000 IU900 IU7,500 IU2250 IU
Vitamin C60 mg120 mg120 mg180 mg180 mg
Vitamin D 3400 IUAt least 3000 IU1200  IU800 IU3000 IU75 IU
Vitamin E30 IU15 IU60 IU27 IU30 IU20 IU
Vitamin K80 mcg90-120 mcg110 mcg20 mcg
Vitamin B 1 (Thiamin)1.5 mgAt least 12 mg3 mg3 mg12 mg12 mg
Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin)1.7 mg3.4 mg3.4 mg1.7 mg1.7 mg
Niacin20 mg30 mg40 mg20 mg20 mg
Vitamin B 62 mg4 mg4 mg2 mg2 mg
Biotin300 mcg80 mcg90 mcg600 mcg800 mcg
Pantothenic Acid10 mg20 mg20 mg10 mg10 mg
Folic Acid400 mcg400-800 mcg(800-1000 childbearing)800 mcg800 mcg800 mcg600 mcg
Vitamin B 126 mcg350-500 mcg12 mcg12 mcg560 mcg560 mcg
Calcium1000 mg1200-1500 mg)200 mg216 mg100 mg
Iron18 mg18 mg (45-60 mg (female or hx anemia)36 mg16 mg45 mg
Phosphorus1000mg100 mg
Iodine150 mcg300 mcg300 mcg150 mcg150 mcg
Magnesium400 mg80 mg50 mg100 mg
Zinc15 mg8-11 mg24 mg30 mg15mg30 mg
Selenium70 mcg0070 mcg70 mcg
Copper2 mg1-2 mg4 mg4 mg2 mg
Chromium120 mcg040 mcg120 mcg120 mcg
Molybdenum75 mcg040 mcg75 mcg75 mcg
Potential Additional Supplements Needed
Calcium Citrate1000-1300 mg1000-1300 mg1100-1400 mg1200-1500 mg
Vitamin D 31800 IU2200 IUNot needed2925 IU
Sublingual Vitamin B 12500 mcg500 mcg500 mcg500 mcg
Iron – check with your nutritionistMaybeMaybeYesNo




Looking to Improve? Focus on the Little Things

When the decision is made to improve an area of our life–finding a new job, getting fit or becoming debt free, it is hard to be patient; we want to see results right away.  We give it our best shot and make big efforts—sometimes attempting to make several big changes at once. When we don’t see results quickly, our tendency is to give up.  That’s what happens to the vast majority of New Year’s resolutions—although our intent is strong, we are unable to sustain the required effort.

If we take a step back to look at the big picture and modify our expectations to a slower pace of change, we may just find that we have more success.

Download On Track with Barix: Looking to Improve? Focus on the Little Things

An isolated effort has little impact. When you make an isolated healthy choice, say eating a grilled chicken breast instead of loaded potato skins, the difference of a few hundred calories doesn’t really matter much. Your clothing doesn’t immediately get snug and the scale doesn’t jump 10 pounds the next morning.  What happens when you make this healthy choice is you give up the joy of eating the potato skins without seeing any meaningful results. Same thing happens when you choose to hit the gym one day after work. You give up other things you could do with your time and one day of working out doesn’t give you buff biceps or tighten your jiggles in any perceptible way. If, in one instance, you put money into a savings account instead of buying something you’ve been wanting–you give up the pleasure of the purchase and the small deposit doesn’t change your financial life. In short, an isolated effort doesn’t make a meaningful impact on your health and wellness in that moment, but add in the concept of compounding and suddenly you can see how all of those small seemingly inconsequential efforts matter.

Here is how compounding works. As you make small isolated efforts today, and tomorrow, and the next day; the days turn into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years and those choices compound. James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, explains the compounding nature of our habits. He finds that small changes made consistently over time can make a huge impact.  For example, as the graph illustrates, if you strive to improve one small area of your life by 1% every day for a year, at the end of the year, you’ll be 37 times better. That’s an impact!

Examples of the Compounding Effect. Let’s put this in some terms we can better relate to–Walking 10,000 steps a day is a good goal for many to shoot for. If you start with 2000 steps a day and add 1% more each day, you’ll be at 10,000 steps in less than half of a year.

It may be even more beneficial to look at the compounding effect of your health and wellness efforts in a different way—making a consistent and sustained effort over time. Here are some examples:

  • If you’re already up for walking 10,000 steps a day you’ll find that the compounded benefit of this positive habit over the course of the year has the power to change your weight, keep your muscles strong and your joints flexible, enhance your cardiovascular fitness, reduce your risk of cancer, improve your mood, and really impact your life. Walking 10,000 steps a day = 3,650,000 steps a year and 18,250,000 steps in 5 years.
  • Saving $5.00 per day = $1,825 a year and $9,125 in 5 years ($11,103 with 7% interest). That simple $5.00 a day savings—something most would not even miss, has the ability to amass a nice chunk of change when time is added to the equation.
  • Cutting 100 calories a day = 36,500 per year and 182,500 in 5 years. So you went with a sugar-free popsicle instead of a dish of ice cream as a nightly treat, over the long haul, you save enough calories to lose 52# (For illustrative purposes only–our bodies are much more complex than this simple calculation).
  • Do one good deed a day = 365 deeds per year and 1,825 deeds in 5 years. I wonder how you might change the world around you if you set out to do just one simple small good dead each day.
  • Read for 20 minutes a day = 20 books per year and 100 books in 5 years. That’s like getting a PhD’s worth of education for a very small effort daily. Use audio books and the effort is even less.

Bad Habits Compound Too. If we are real, we will admit that there are days, weeks, months, and even years when we let some of our bad habits rule. Unfortunately, the same compounding effect works on our negative behaviors too. What if you choose to watch TV instead of walking, meal prepping, and other healthy pursuits for 2 hours a day? A study found that every hour of TV watching reduces your life expectancy by 22 minute. In a year, that TV watching reduces your life expectancy by 11 days and in 5 years you’ve lost 8 weeks of expected life. What is really scary is that the average person doesn’t watch 2 hours of TV a day, but almost 5 hours.

TV watching is just one example. How about going into debt by $5.00 a day? Eating a big bowl of ice cream each night? You get the idea. It’s important to shift away from the negative habits and put into place small positive habits that will compound over time.

Behavior change can be hard because the benefits of our positive behaviors and the costs of our poor behaviors are not immediately apparent. It is only over the expanse of time that the impact of the good and bad habits in our lives becomes clear.

Where to start. Changing big habits is hard. To change a habit, we have to sacrifice immediate enjoyment for results that are not visible for weeks, months or years. Making small changes that require small sacrifices—that’s doable. BJ Fogg, Director of the Persuasive Tech Lab at Stanford, has done extensive research on this very topic and developed the Fogg Method to create big changes in behavior using the effectiveness of tiny, specific habits. It is easy to commit to taking a 3 minute walk, reading for 5 minutes, or getting up 10 minutes earlier. Habits are behaviors that we repeat with little or no conscious effort. Once we get a basic habit in place, we can expand our effort level for greater impact.

Habits are formed by repetitive actions. Actions, thoughts or feelings that are reinforced over time eventually become automatic. Scientists have found that it can take anywhere from 18-254 days to form a new habit, with the average probably around 66 days. It’s probably safe to say the length of time to form a habit depends on the habit and the person. Plan to spend a couple of months working to make a change.

Pair behaviors.  Pair the new habit you are trying to establish with something you already do consistently. This is going to vary based on your daily schedule, but here are some examples to consider:

  • Take one deep breath (small behavior) after each email or phone call that you answer (established behavior).
  • Do one squat (small behavior) after you brush your teeth (established behavior).
  • Pack snacks (small behavior) for the next day after you put away dinner (established behavior).
  • Meditate for one minute (small behavior) after you put your pajamas on (established behavior).
  • Eat one small serving of vegetable (small behavior) with each of three meals (established behavior).

Track. Tracking your new habit will help it stay in the forefront of your mind so you can be more consistent—and consistency is key. Remember, these are small habits–your tracking method should be quick and easy. It can be as simple as a star on your refrigerator calendar when you’ve mastered the small behavior that day.

Think small. Rather than keeping your focus on the BIG goals that you want to reach, instead focus on those small daily behaviors that will get you where you want to go when you combine small consistent efforts with time. That’s how goals are met– little-by-little, day-by-day. You’ll feel empowered as you are able to incorporate small habits into your daily routine and build from there. Be encouraged…you don’t need to radically change your life to be successful—just make small changes consistently over time and watch what happens.

Roasted Chicken and Veggies

1 lb. sweet potato, cut into 1” pieces
1 head cauliflower, cut into 1” pieces
1 head broccoli, cut into 1” pieces
1 bell red, yellow or orange pepper, cut into 1” pieces
1 red onion, cut into 1” pieces
2# chicken breast, boneless and skinless cut into 1” pieces
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp paprika
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ground black pepper
1 cup frozen corn, thawed
2 Tbsp.  lime juice
¼ cup cilantro, chopped

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line 2 large baking sheets with foil. Mix together sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, onion, chicken breast, olive oil, paprika, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Divide the chicken and vegetable mixture between the 2 pans. Bake for 25 minutes.

Sprinkle corn on top and return to oven to heat corn. Remove from oven and drizzle with lime juice and cilantro. Makes 8 servings.

Nutrition information per serving: 251 calories, 31 grams protein, 4 grams fat, 25 grams carbohydrate, 255 mg sodium.

Chicken Broccoli Casserole

1 cup quinoa
3 cups broccoli florets, finely chopped
6 Tbsp. chicken broth
3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sliced thin
1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 cups 2% milk
¾ cup shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 9 x 13 pan with nonstick spray. In a large saucepan, cook quinoa according to package instructions; set aside. Steam broccoli until cooked through-about 5 minutes; set aside.

Heat 3 Tbsp. chicken broth in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken breasts and cook 3-4 minutes per side or until cooked through. Remove from pan, cool, and dice into bite sized pieces.

Put the flour and milk into a tightly covered glass or container. Shake until well mixed without lumps.  In the skillet, heat the remaining 3 Tbsp. chicken broth over medium heat. Gradually add in the milk/flour mixture, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 3-4 minutes. Stir in quinoa, broccoli, chicken, and cheese. Place in prepared pan and heat in oven for 5-7 minutes until lightly browned. Serve warm. Makes 8 servings.

Nutrition information per serving:  202 calories, 17 grams protein, 7 grams fat, 20 grams carbohydrate, 211 mg sodium.

2019 Health and Fitness Trends

Many of the health and fitness trends that started last year are being refined and improved upon. This is a great year to make health and fitness a top priority!

Fresh, Wholesome, Unprocessed Foods

People will continue to be more selective of the foods they choose as they understand the consequences of the typical American diet. The move away from processed foods will continue to expand in 2019 as more options for convenient “clean” eating will be available in grocery stores, restaurants, and meal delivery services. Although there will always be the latest fad diet to choose from, plant based diets will remain the standard for healthy eating.

Deep Breathing

Guided or controlled breathing to influence the body’s mental, emotional or physical state, while anything but new, has caught on.  Free or low cost apps to help learn and practice this effective method for calming and mindfulness are widely available (calm.com, InsightTimer.com).

High Tech Home Workouts

We have already seen some pretty impressive home workout options that really engage and motivate—and that trend is set to expand. A new generation of high quality fitness apps, YouTube Channels, and online workout programs are already in play. You can stream live fitness classes—strength training, yoga, cardio, spinning, HITT, and more. Fitness trackers monitor and display your progress during the workout—motivating you further as you see your strength and endurance improve.

Fitness Jewelry

Let’s face it, fitness trackers have not been the most glamorous accessory. They are super helpful, tracking steps, calories burned, food intake, sleep quality, and even your stress response. You’ve gotta love all of that health data at your fingertips. Now these trackers are moving off wrists and becoming rings and necklaces. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Food Delivery Services

Convenience is no longer limited to the fast food lane. All types of food delivery services are set to expand. Want fresh ingredients all portioned out for quick at home meal prep—there are services for that. Looking for hot and ready delivery of clean foods—more options coming your way. Interested in having it all delivered, from toilet paper to fresh greens—that’s available. I love these services that make your life easier and improve the quality of your food. Just keep in mind–you can chalk up some major steps walking through the grocery store selecting your own food and you’ll be giving that up to gain convenience.

Hemp-Based Products are Going Mainstream

2019 will bring more hemp-based products. CBD and hemp-seed oil based products are sure to become widely commercialized as use of these cannabis plant products become more acceptable. In addition to skin care and bath products, foods and beverages featuring these substances are sure to surface at your local health-food stores and supermarkets. Why CBD and hemp? There is no “high” to be had from these substances, but there is evidence that they may be helpful in relieving pain, reducing anxiety and depression, reducing the side-effects of chemo like nausea, and may even have some cancer fighting properties.

Latch onto the trends most valuable to you this year as you continue your journey towards health and wellness. It’s those little daily habits that contribute to your overall health—use these new opportunities to make those habits stick.

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