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Annette B. – My Story

Gastric Bypass  |  2002

My Life Before Bariatric Surgery

Before surgery I hid behind black clothes and a computer at work.  I would come home everyday and before I knew it, I was angry at everyone.  Little did I know at that time that it was due to being tired and my total lack of self-esteem.  My feet, my legs, my back and my head ached on a daily basis.

I tried every diet out there-spending thousands just to lose a few pounds and then ended up gaining them plus more right back.  I used every excuse in the book from “I am big boned” to “my relatives were big”.  The most devastating part of all of this was that I was teaching my children bad habits.  When I discovered my daughter with diet pills, I knew that I had to do something to stop the destructive behavior I was cultivating.

Making the Decision

I had seen commercials for Barix Clinics but never thought twice about it.  The next time I saw the commercial, I called and received the information tape and documentation.  I probably watched that tape 1000 times and I just knew that I needed to call and make an appointment. I can truly say that the day I called Barix to schedule an appointment, my life changed forever.  The minute I walked into the office and was able to sit comfortably in the chair I knew that Barix understood my problems.  The doctor was upfront with me, stating they could help me but I would need to be part of the cure.  I knew this was the answer for me and decided that nothing was going to stop me from having this life-saving treatment.  I knew the risks, but I also knew that my behavior was just as risky if I did not do anything.  I decided on Barix because this is what they did.  If there were risks involved, I was going to make sure that I went to the experts. 

How My Life Has Changed

I have taken a promotion at work which requires me to walk around a warehouse daily, supervising a crew of 21 men.  I no longer go for the largest, darkest clothes at the store.  I am a happier person that cooks healthier for the entire family and it no longer takes an entire day to clean the house because I no longer have to take breaks.  I have worn a 2 piece swimsuit for the first time since I was 2.  I wear low rise jeans and hold my head up high and walk straight because of my new found confidence.                                                                                                

To Those Considering Bariatric Surgery

I have so much confidence now.  It’s great.  I am a happier person.  The people at Barix understand what you are going through and can help you to become a happier, more confident person too.  I can never adequately express my gratitude to the people at Barix. 

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135 South Prospect St. Ypsilanti, MI 48198