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Sheri R. – My Story

Gastric Bypass  |  2008

My Life Before Bariatric Surgery

Before surgery I was a stay-at-home mom. I was shy and depressed and I kept to myself. I had low self-esteem. I didn’t think I would ever work because I was so tired and I hurt everywhere; not to mention not wanting people to see me like this. I quit hanging out with friends because I was embarrassed about how I looked.

I wanted to go on vacations, but knew I wouldn’t be able to do all the walking or go on the rides, so why go?  I hadn’t worked in 4 years due to low self-esteem and no confidence. I didn’t want the world to see me so overweight. I wasn’t the same person. I lost myself.

My Barix Clinics Experience

I had thought about other facilities but I am so glad I chose Barix.  I did my homework and found out that at the hospital they do only big cuts, and had a lot more infections and complications.  Everyone I know who went to the other place I thought about going had nothing but problems.

How My Life Has Changed

After the surgery I found myself–the happy, fun, friendly, energetic person I lost so many years ago. I like going to the gym, the show, and for walks with my friends. Surgery has changed my entire life.

In less than a year I had lost 151 pounds.  I never thought that was possible.  I thought I would be overweight my entire life and die at a young age due to the weight. I have two active boys, and now I’m able to play with them and enjoy everyday life.  I’m able to run and play on the swings at the park.  I want to set a good example for my boys and show them a healthy lifestyle. 

I love to shop now that I can find clothes that fit. For years I hated to go looking for clothes because they either never fit or they were ugly old-fashioned styles. I’m now able to buy clothes at a regular store, and they don’t fall off the hanger.

Now I am able to go anywhere, and since my surgery we have done a lot of traveling. Amusement parks are so much more fun for me now that I’m able to breathe easily and walk without pain. I fit into all the rides so I’m able to go on and enjoy them with the kids. It’s a lot different than before. Having the chance to fly and to be able to fit into my seat, when I couldn’t before, was amazing.

I went back to school and got a new job in a field that I love and always wanted but was too scared and unhealthy to bother trying.

Surgery has changed everything in my life, all for the better. And I wish I would have made the decision years before.  I wasn’t living before.  I have come so far since having surgery.  It’s the best decision I have ever made.  I have so much more energy and confidence, and I feel better. I’m healthier.  I am able to have fun and be happy. I don’t ever want to go back to the way things were. I’m able to keep up with my kids. I still get tired from chasing a 3 and 5 yr old, but who wouldn’t? The point is, I’m able to chase them.

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135 South Prospect St. Ypsilanti, MI 48198