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Jessica B – My Story

Gastric Sleeve |  2015

My Life Before Bariatric Surgery

Before surgery, I was depressed and riddled with anxiety. I was missing out on life while I struggled to take care of myself. I wanted so much more.

Making the Decision

After discussing with my doctor and weighing my weight loss goals, we determined together gastric sleeve would be a good fit for me. 

My Barix Clinics Experience

Barix was amazing from start to finish. They knew everything I needed before I could even ask. The staff was friendly and willing to go above and beyond to make this process as smooth as possible. They have been great at making sure I stay on top of my appointments and are open and honest about how I can maximize my weight loss. I meet with the nutritionist and evaluate my goals at each weight loss milestone. Barix even offers several methods of support for a busy lifestyle.

My Life After Surgery

Since having weight loss surgery, everything in my daily life has changed. I’m more active, working out 5 to 6 days a week. I no longer struggle with depression. I lead a healthy social life and travel the world. I am living to the fullest. 

To Someone Considering Bariatric Surgery

Don’t let your mind bully your body! Take back your life and your youth–enjoy the ride!

Start Your New Life Today

What Is Your BMI?

Use our BMI calculator to see if you qualify for weight-loss surgery.

Start Your New Life Today

135 South Prospect St. Ypsilanti, MI 48198